Customer Agreement

Customer Agreement

Customer Agreement

The terms and conditions of Customer Agreement constitute a legal contract between LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED TRADING (referred to herein as “LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED” or “we”), and the party or parties (each referred to herein as a “Client” or “you”) executing this agreement.LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED is registered and licensed by the relevant regulatory authorities (31000262677236), providing clients with foreign exchange, bullion and contracts for difference trading facilities. This Agreement shall govern all trading activity and should be read carefully by yourself.

You guarantee the accuracy and truthfulness of all information, documentation, and other disclosures provided to us. You commit to notifying us in writing of any changes to the provided information. When submitting copies of documents via mail, fax, or electronic means, you assure that these documents are faithful reproductions of the originals.

Terms & Condition

The Services We Will Provide

We will adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the relevant regulatory authorities and provide you with an execution-only dealing service in foreign exchange and contracts for differences, encompassing underlying assets such as precious metals, energies, indices, shares, and cryptocurrency ('Contracts') offered by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED

Both LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED and the Client will act as principals in the entered contracts. You, as the Client, assume direct and personal responsibility for fulfilling obligations in every transaction, whether dealing directly or through an agent, or as an agent for another person. You agree to indemnify us for any liabilities, losses, or costs arising from any failure on your part to fulfill such obligations.

All orders and instructions provided by you for the services are subject to these terms. Any additional terms introduced by you through orders, order confirmations, or similar means are excluded. Services may involve margined transactions, where the Client must deposit cash to secure performance of their obligations under the contract. The Client acknowledges that all transactions are subject to and comply with the prevailing Market Rules, which typically include broad powers in emergency or undesirable situations.

We reserve the right to amend, suspend, and/or terminate any or all services at any time for valid reasons. While we will strive to provide advance notice whenever possible, this may not always be practical due to business reasons.


LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED will exclusively provide an execution-only dealing service, refraining from offering investment advice. The execution of a Contract with you does not imply any recommendation or endorsement by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED regarding the merits or suitability of the Contract for you. Additionally, LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED does not provide trading or market recommendations, advice, or instructions in its communications.


Details regarding any available credit arrangement will be outlined in and subject to the terms, conditions, and limits agreed upon in separate correspondence. Your credit limit should not surpass the total amount you are willing and financially able to risk. If any Contracts exceed the designated credit or other limits, we may terminate some or all contracts under Term 4 to bring your liability back within the credit limit. At our absolute discretion, we may consider extending additional credit in the event of a margin call. However, the availability and suitability of such credit will be contingent upon a reassessment of your financial circumstances.

Margining Arrangements

The client is obligated to promptly pay to LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED upon demand:

  1. Sums of money as deposits, initial margin, or variation margin as deemed necessary by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED.
  2. Amounts due under a contract and any sums required for clearing any debit
  3. Sums of money requested by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED as security for the client's obligations.

Margin payments may be required to cover potential losses in adverse market movements. Our determination of the current market value and the amount of additional and/or variation margin shall be final and not subject to challenge by the client. Margin calls may be communicated through various means (telephone, fax, or email). If delivered via email, it will be sent to your designated email address and may not be confirmed by telephone, fax, or letter unless exceptional circumstances warrant it, at our absolute discretion.

We do not accept third-party payments for funding your account, and likewise, we will not disburse funds from your account to any third parties. Failure to provide any required margin, deposit, or other sums may result in the closure of all open contracts by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED without prior notice.

Charges and Commissions

We will mutually agree with you on the commission amount before entering into any contract, and this will be detailed on the statement provided to you. Commission rates will be based on prevailing rates at the time. Please note that commissions and charges are subject to change without prior notice. Additionally, we may have soft commission agreements in place, and these will be implemented in line with commercial efficiency and market practices, adhering to our policy.


No interest will be credited for any monies held on account or used for margin payments. These funds will be maintained in a client bank account. A finance fee may be charged or credited to your account based on the nature of your open positions, the relevant contract, and the prevailing interest rates. Upon opening a contract position, we will calculate the interest that would be earned on the funds required to initiate the corresponding position in the underlying investment, at a rate communicated to you in writing. The interest amount will be calculated and accrue on a daily basis as long as your contract position remains open.

Position Limit

LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED retains the right to restrict the number of positions that the client can open or maintain in their account. We also reserve the right to refuse the acceptance of any additional orders once the limit has been surpassed, and we may liquidate all or part of the positions that exceed the limit thereafter.

Exclusion of Liability

No claims shall be made against LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED, any associated company, or any employee, to recover any loss or damage incurred due to the fulfillment of our obligations under this agreement. This provision applies, provided that such loss or damage does not result from the negligence or willful default of LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED, its associates, or employees.

Authorisation & Other Communications

Unless you expressly instruct us otherwise, we reserve the right to rely on and act in accordance with any instructions, requests, and notices, whether in writing or communicated in any other form, given or purported to be given by any individual or person reasonably believed by us to be an agent, attorney, or otherwise authorized by you. In our absolute discretion and without explanation to you, we may refuse to act upon any instruction, particularly if we believe it may not be practical or if acting on the instruction would, in our opinion, violate any law, rule, regulation, or condition of this agreement. In the case of instructions received from an agent, we may refuse if we reasonably believe that the agent may be acting beyond their authority.

Additional dealing procedures may be provided by us to you from time to time none of which form part of this agreement. If, at any time, you are unable to communicate with us for any reason, we shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or cost caused to you due to any act, error, delay, or omission resulting from your inability to enter into a transaction. We will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or cost caused to you by any act, error, or omission or delay, including your inability to close a transaction, except where such inability results from our fraud, willful default, or gross negligence.

You acknowledge and agree that any instruction or communication transmitted by you or on your behalf is at your own risk. You authorize us to rely on and act upon any instruction, whether in writing or not, that we believe in good faith to have been given by you or on your behalf by any agent or intermediary whom we believe in good faith to have been duly authorized by you.

You also agree that we may record all telephone conversations between you and us, and we may use such recordings or transcripts from such recordings as evidence in any dispute or anticipated dispute between you and us.

Changes in Terms

These terms and conditions are subject to change, and we will notify you of any changes through a written notice describing the relevant modifications. Such changes will become effective on a date specified in the notice, which will be at least 10 days after the date on which the notice is deemed to be received by you. Any such change will not affect any legal rights or obligations that may have previously accrued to or been incurred by you or us.

Stop and Limit Orders

We may in our absolute discretion accept an instruction (a “stop order” or “limit order”) from you to open or close any Contract when our quote in respect of the relevant investment, or (as the case may be) an underlying market quotation relating thereto, reaches or goes beyond a level specified by you. You may specify that such an instruction is to apply for a limited duration or for an indefinite period (a “Good Till Cancelled” or “GTC” order). If we accept a Stop or Limit Order then, when the level of our current quote or (as the case may be) the relevant market quotation relating thereto reaches or goes beyond the level of your Stop or Limit Order, provided that the conditions in this paragraph are satisfied your instruction will be executed automatically at the level of your Stop or Limit Order.

You acknowledge that where the underlying market is moving rapidly our quote may have gone beyond the level of your Stop or Limit Order by the time your order is executed.Limit Order by the time your order is executed. You may with our prior consent (and such consent will not be unreasonably withheld) cancel or amend the level of Stop or Limit Order at any time before our quote or the relevant market quotation reaches or goes beyond the relevant level. However, once the level has been reached you may not cancel or amend the level of order.

If you enter into any Contract and place a Stop or Limit Order which, when executed, would be capable of closing or partly closing such Contract and you subsequently instruct us to close that Contract, or any part of it prior to the level of the Stop or Limit Order being reached, it is your responsibility to cancel the Stop or Limit Order if you do not want the order to remain valid. If you close your original Contract and fail to cancel the Stop or Limit Order we shall be entitled in our absolute discretion to treat the Stop or Limit Order as an instruction to enter into a new Contract for you once our quote or (as the case may be) the relevant market quotation reaches or goes beyond the level of the Stop or Limit Order.

The conditions referred to in this paragraph are as follows :

  • When you instruct us to close part but not all of a Contract entered into, both the part of the Contract which you instruct us to close and the part which would remain open if we carried out your instruction must not be smaller than the minimum size advised by us to you from time to time.
  • A Force Majeure Event must not have occurred.
  • When you instruct us to open a Contract you must not have committed a material default.
  • The telephone or internet conversation in which you instruct us to open or close the Contract must not be terminated as a result of circumstances beyond our reasonable control before we have confirmed that your instruction has been executed by us.
  • When you instruct us to open any Contract, the opening of the Contract must not result in your exceeding any credit or other limit placed upon your dealing and
  • The instruction must be given to us during normal trading hours for the investment in respect of which you instruct us to open or close the Contract.

Single Agreement

Each Contract and all other transactions entered into between us and you under this agreement will be entered into in consideration of each other and constitute a single agreement between us and you.


Monthly statements of your account shall be sent by us to you via e-mail. Please ensure that you verify the contents of each document received from us. Such documents shall, in the absence of manifest error be conclusive unless you notify us in writing to the contrary within three working days of receiving such documents. We normally prepare valuations of your account each working day, which we send to you on the first working day following.


This agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED reserves the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to terminate this agreement, with such termination taking effect on the date on which termination notice has been given and payments made to the Client. The Client may terminate this agreement by providing written notice, which will be effective upon receipt of the notice or, if received or deemed to be received on a day that is not a business day, then the first business day thereafter. Termination will not affect any legal rights or obligations that may have accrued. Upon termination, we will liquidate any outstanding Contracts, and the balance in your account shall be repaid to you by T/T remittance not later than four working days after the agreement terminates.


Any written notice, instruction, demand, acknowledgement or request to be given hereunder or any Contract shall be in writing and (unless delivered personally) shall be given by facsimile (fax), e-mail or first class pre-paid post (airmail if sent internationally) and be addressed in our case to our address or e-mail address and in your case to the address or email address last notified by you to us. If you or we wish to change the address for communication, we shall each give to the other no less than five days’ notice in writing of the change desired. Notices addressed as provided above shall be deemed to have been duly given when dispatched (in the case of e-mail and fax, when delivered (in the case of personal delivery), two (2) days after posting (in the case of letters sent in the same country), or five (5) days after posting (in the case of letters sent internationally), provided that notices to us shall be effective only upon their actual receipt by us. In each of the above cases any notice received on a non-working day or after business hours in the country of receipt shall be deemed to be given on the next following working day in such country.

Governing Laws

The terms of this client agreement, and the rights and obligations of the clients hereto, shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in all respects by the laws of United States. Clients, to induce LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED to accept these terms, and for other good and valuable consideration, hereby agree that any judicial, administrative action, or proceeding, including, but not limited to, arbitration arising directly or indirectly hereunder or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, whether brought by Client or LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED, shall be held, at the sole discretion of LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED, within United States. Clients consent and submit to, and waive any and all objections Client may have to such venue, and further agree to waive and forego any right Client may have to transfer or change the venue of any action or proceeding encompassed hereby.

Risk Disclosure

You should not deal in these products or engage any of these services unless you understand the nature and the exposure to risk.You should also be satisfied that the product is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial position. Different instruments involve different levels of exposure to risk, and in deciding whether to trade in such instruments you should be aware of the following factors concerning trading the derivatives products in LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED.

  1. Futures
  2. Transactions in futures involve the obligation to make, or take delivery of the underlying asset of the contract at a future date, or in some cases to settle your position with cash. They carry a high degree of risk. The “gearing” or “leverage” often obtainable in futures trading means that a small deposit or down payment can lead to large losses as well as gains. It also means that a relatively small market movement can lead to a proportionally much larger movement in the value of your investment, and this can work against you as well as for you. Futures transactions have a contingent liability and you should be aware of the implications of this, in particular the margining requirement.

  3. Contracts for Difference
  4. Futures and Options contracts can also be referred to as contracts for difference. These can be options and/or futures on the FTSE 100 index or any other index or share, commodity or currency. However, unlike other futures and options, these contracts can only be settled in cash. Investing in contracts for difference carries the same risks as investing in a future or an option and you should be aware of these as set out in paragraphs A respectively. Transactions in contracts for difference may also have a contingent liability and you should be aware of the implications of this.

Internet Dealing

  • You acknowledge that the internet is, due to unpredictable traffic congestion and other reasons, an inherently unreliable medium of communication and that such unreliability is beyond our control.
  • Trading on the internet is not instantaneous and several seconds may elapse between the time when you give your order via the internet to us and the time when it is received by us, in which time the market may have moved and your order may be implemented at a different value from that when you initiated the order on your PC.
  • We reserve the right not to execute an order by you until it has been received by us.
  • We shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability (including consequential loss) suffered or incurred by you as a result of instructions being given or any other communications being made via e-mail or via the internet.
  • You will solely be responsible for all orders and for the accuracy of all information sent via the internet using your name or personal identification number.
  • You further acknowledge and agree that there are risks of misunderstandings or errors in any communication and that such risks shall be absolutely borne by you.
  • You acknowledge and agree that it shall not usually be possible to cancel an instruction after it has been given.
  • The time shown by our electronic logging system and the information contained on our server shall be conclusive between us as to the exact time of receipt of any messages or order and as to the accuracy of the information.

Force Majeure Events

We may, in our reasonable opinion, determine that an emergency or an exceptional market condition exists (a “Force Majeure Event”). A Force Majeure Event shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Any act, event or occurrence (including without limitation any strike, riot or civil commotion, hostilities, foreign intervention, governmental actions, natural disaster, Act of God, an interruption of power supply or electronic or communication equipment failure) which, in our opinion, prevents us from maintaining an orderly market in one or more of the investments in respect of which we ordinarily deal in Contracts.
  • The suspension or closure of any market or the abandonment or failure of any event upon which we base, or to which we in any way relate our quote, or the imposition of limits or special or unusual terms on the trading in any such market or in any such event.
  • The occurrence of any excessive movement in the level of any Contract and/or the underlying market or our anticipation (acting reasonably) of the occurrence of such movements.

If we determine that a Force Majeure Event exists we may in our absolute discretion without notice and at any time take one or more of the following steps :

Increase your deposit requirements.

  • Close any or all of your open Contracts at such closing level as we reasonably believe to be appropriate.
  • Suspend or modify the application of all or any of the terms of this agreement to the extent that the Force Majeure Event makes it impossible or impractical for us to comply with the term or terms in question.
  • Alter the last time for trading for a particular Contract.
  • Take or omit to take all such other actions as we deem to be reasonably appropriate in the circumstances having to our position, your position and the positions of the other customers.

In the event of the above events, LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED shall not be liable to the Client for any claims, losses, damage, costs, and expenses, including lawyers’ fees, arising directly or indirectly out of such events.

Entry Into Force

This Agreement shall not be deemed accepted by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED and shall not become a binding contract between the Client and LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED until the Agreement and the Customer Account Application, including all relevant annexes, have been completed and executed by the Client and received and accepted by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED, a notice whereof shall be given to the Customer.

Risk Warning & Disclaimer

The facilities we provide are available only to experienced investors with sufficient financial resources to trade in our investment products. The following statements are intended to make you aware of and disclose to you the potential risk and loss in respect to trading on the financial markets. You must familiarize yourself with the nature of CFD trading, the terminology used, and the procedures involved before you enter into any contract. Our rolling spot contracts and CFDs are based on highly leveraged margin trading; as with any derivative instrument, such contracts carry a very high degree of risk, and trading such instruments may expose the investor to substantial losses as well as gains. The gearing and leverage that are obtainable with CFD trading mean that you only need to place a small deposit to commence trading with us, although this small deposit may result in large losses or large gains. You must consider that if the market moves against you, you may sustain a total loss greater than the funds deposited. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully aware of all these risks before entering into any contract.

If you have any questions about this Agreement or the nature and suitability of the services we provide, please contact us before commencing any activity on your account. We will assume that, on commencement of business, you are satisfied that all terms relating to your facility with us have been fully understood and accepted by you. We will assess your application from the information available to us and, in particular, the responses you have given in completing the Customer Information Sheet; if you are accepted as a customer, it will be on such a basis. Accordingly, we will classify you as a private customer. You should not proceed with this arrangement unless you have carefully considered that it is appropriate for you and are satisfied with these terms. Investors should note that to protect their interests, we may set zero stop orders where no client order has been placed to minimize losses. In this event, clients cannot lose more than their initial commitment.

Conflicts of Interest

We provide herewith a summary of the policy we maintain in order to manage conflicts of interest in respect of the duties we owe to our clients.


A conflict of interest can arise between LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED and you as a client or between your interests and those of another client of ours. We aim to establish, maintain, and operate effective organizational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps to prevent conflicts of interest from constituting or giving rise to a material risk of damage to the interests of our clients.

Our Policy

We aim to keep a record of the kinds of activity we carry on in which a material conflict could arise or has arisen, and, in doing so, we take account of the activities of other members of our group of companies. We also maintain procedures to ensure appropriate independence between members of our staff who are involved in different activities. This includes the operation of information barriers, the segregation of duties and responsibilities, and the maintenance of a policy of independence that requires our staff, when providing services to a client, to act in the best interests of the client and to disregard any conflicts of interest. In some circumstances, we may decline to act for a client or potential client.

Disclosure : General

Where our arrangements to manage conflicts are not or cannot be sufficient to reasonably assure that risks of damage to a client’s interest will be prevented, we aim to disclose the general nature and/or sources of conflicts before carrying on business for the client. This is to allow the client to consider whether to ask for more information and whether to continue with the service; we do not aim to provide detailed, highly specific, or comprehensive information.

Gift & Hospitality

We do not prohibit our staff from receiving small gifts and minor hospitality from other parties with which we do business but only where in the opinion of a director or senior manager it is at a level that is not lavish or excessive and only where it will not impair our duty to act in the best interests of our clients or other legal or regulatory obligations.

Online Trading Agreement

This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED shall permit you as our client to have access to one or more terminals, including terminal access through your internet browser, for the electronic transmission of orders and/or transactions, for your accounts with LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED. This Agreement also sets forth the terms and conditions under which LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED shall permit you electronically to monitor the activity, orders and/or transactions in your account (collectively, the “Online Service”). For purposes of this Agreement the term “Online Service” includes all software and communications links and in consideration thereof, Client agrees to the following:

Licence Grant & The Right of Use

By this Agreement, where LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED is supplying the Client with software for use with the Online Service, the Client undertakes to use the software solely for his/her own internal business purposes. Neither the software nor the Online Service may be used to provide third-party training or as a service bureau for any third parties. The Client agrees to use the Online Service and the software strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED Account Opening Documentation, as amended from time to time. The Client also agrees to be bound by any rules, procedures, and conditions established by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED concerning the use of the Online Service provided by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED.

Accessess and Security

The Online Service may be used to transmit, receive, and confirm the execution of orders, subject to prevailing market conditions and applicable rules and regulations. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED consents to the Client’s access and use in reliance upon his/her having adopted procedures to prevent unauthorized access to and use of the Online Service. In any event, the Client agrees to bear any financial liability for trades executed through the Online Service. The Client acknowledges, represents, and warrants that:

  1. He/She has received a number, code or other sequence, which provides access to the Online Service (“the Password”).
  2. He/She is the sole and exclusive owner of the Password.
  3. He/She is the sole and exclusive owner of any identification number or login number (“the Login”).
  4. He/She accepts full responsibility for use and protections of the Password and the Login as well as for any transaction occurring in an account opened, held or accessed through the Login and/or Password.

The Client accepts responsibility for the monitoring of his/her account(s). The Client will immediately notify LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED in writing if He/She becomes aware of any of the following:

  1. Any loss, theft or unauthorized use of his/her Password(s), Login and/or account number(s); or
  2. Any failure by him/her to receive a message indicating that an order was received and/or executed; or
  3. Any failure by him/her to receive an accurate confirmation of an execution; or
  4. Any receipt of confirmation of an order and/or execution, which he/she did not place
  5. Any inaccurate information in his/her account balances, positions, or transaction history.

Risks of Online Trading

The Client’s access to the Online Service, or any portion thereof, may be restricted or unavailable during periods of peak demands, extreme market volatility, systems upgrades, or other reasons. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED makes no express or implied representations or warranties to the Client regarding the usability, condition, or operation thereof. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED does not warrant that access to or use of the Online Service will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the Online Service will meet any particular criteria of performance or quality.

Since LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, configuration of your equipment, or reliability of its connection, we cannot be responsible for communication failure, distortions, or delays when trading online via the internet.

Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED or anyone else involved in creating, producing, delivering, or managing the Online Service be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of or inability to use the Online Service, or out of any breach of any warranty, including, without limitation, those for business interruption or loss of profits.

The Client expressly agrees that his/her use of the Online Service is at his/her sole risk. The Client assumes full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from the use of, or materials obtained through the Online Service. Neither LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED nor other suppliers providing data, information, or services warrant that the Online Service will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor does LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Online Service or as to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or content of any information, service, or transaction provided through the Online Service.

Market Data & Information

Neither LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED nor any provider shall be liable in any way to the Client or to any other person for:

  1. Any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of any such data, information or message or the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or
  2. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any inaccuracy, error, delay, omission, non-performance, or interruption in any data, information, or message, due to any negligent act or omission or to any condition of force majeure or any other cause, whether or not within LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED or any provider’s control. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED shall not be deemed to have received any order or communication transmitted electronically by the Client until LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED has actual knowledge of such order or communication. Additionally, if a client executed a trade at a price which at the time the trade was executed was wrong and/or delayed from the actual market price, then LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED may cancel that trade from the Client’s account.


The Client acknowledges that the Online Service may, from time to time, be unavailable for operational reasons, including servicing, hardware malfunction, software defect, service or transmission interruption, or other causes. The Client agrees to hold LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED and any provider harmless from liability for any damage resulting from the unavailability of the Online Service. The Client further acknowledges the need for alternative arrangements to remain in place for the transmission and execution of orders in the event that circumstances prevent the use of the Online Service.

The Client represents and warrants that they are fully authorized and not under any legal disability to enter into this Agreement or engage in trading. The Client commits to ongoing compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations governing their business activities. The Client agrees to be familiar with and adhere to any rules or procedures established by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED and any providers related to the use of the Online Service, and to undergo any necessary training for its proper use. The Client shall not, and shall not permit any third party to, copy, use, analyze, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, translate, or convert any software provided in connection with the Online Service, nor shall they distribute such software or the Online Service to any third party."


LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED reserves the right to terminate or restrict the Client's access to the Online Service and may terminate this Agreement at its sole discretion. In the event of termination, any software license granted to the Client under this Agreement shall automatically cease.


The Client agrees to indemnify and hold LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of or related to this Agreement and due to any error that the Client fail to correct or arrange for LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED to correct (if possible). This indemnification shall be binding upon the Client and the Client’s executors, administrators, heirs, successors and permitted assigns and will survive termination of this Agreement.


The Client is not authorized to amend the terms of this Agreement. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement, with notice to the Client (including electronic delivery). Continued access to and use of the Online Service by the Client constitutes agreement to any amendments made to this Agreement. This Agreement is supplementary to the Customer Agreement.

Declaration of Acceptance

I have reviewed the complete Investment Terms & Conditions and hereby give my consent to be bound by all the terms outlined therein. I confirm that the information provided in this Account Opening Documentation is accurate and true. Additionally, I certify that the electronic signature affixed herein is authentic, and the copies of the identification documents submitted are true replicas of the originals.

Risk and Disclaimer

By submitting the registration form to download the demo, requesting a quick call back, or registering for the newsletter, you are providing consent to receive information via email, telephone, post, or any other method from LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED. This information may include details about offers, products, and services that we believe may be of interest to you. Your details will not be shared with any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent, except for our affiliated companies. If you no longer wish to receive this information, please utilize the unsubscribe feature within any email sent to you, or you may email us directly to have your details removed from our database.

Our rolling spot contracts and CFDs involve highly leveraged margin trading. These derivative instruments carry a significant level of risk, and trading them may result in substantial losses or gains. The information on this site and the services we offer are intended for experienced investors with sufficient financial resources to engage in trading our investment products. To protect client interests, we may implement zero stop orders in the absence of client orders to minimize losses. In such cases, clients typically cannot lose more than their initial investment in a specific transaction.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy outlines the procedures followed by LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED in the collection, utilization, and disclosure of personal information. It delineates the rights of the clients concerning their data. LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED will periodically review the Privacy Policy Statement to align with new laws, technological advancements, operational changes, and evolving practices, ensuring its continued relevance. The information in our possession will be subject to the latest LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED Privacy Policy Statement.


  • Why does LUCKY ANT TRADING LIMITED collect personal information ?

    Our business is to meet our customers' needs for a range of financial services. To do this effectively, we need to collect certain personal information.

  • What kind of personal information do we ask for ?

    The type of personal information we may collect can include (but is not limited to) name, address, date of birth, contact details, income, assets and liabilities, account balances, trading statements, tax and financial statements and employment details. We obtain most of the information directly from our customers through application or other forms, and from maintaining records of information provided in the course of ongoing customer service. We may also obtain information from other sources. We may ask for other information voluntarily from time to time (for example, through market research, surveys or special offers) to enable us to improve our service or consider the wider needs of our customers or potential customers. If you choose not to provide the information we need to fulfill your request for a specific product or service, we may not be able to provide you with the requested product or service

  • How do we store personal information ?

    Safeguarding the privacy of your information is important to us, whether you interact with us personally, by phone, mail, over the internet or other electronic medium. We hold personal information in a combination of secure computer storage facilities and paper-based files and other records, and take steps to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. We may need to maintain records for a significant period of time. However, when we consider information is no longer needed, we will remove any details that will identify you or we will securely destroy the records.